Camp Whip-Poor-Will

Activity Areas for Magical Moments
Activity Areas are a part of the Whip-Poor-Will camping program, designed to provide the opportunity to develop skills, to learn a new hobby or craft, to find enjoyment in a day’s event or activity, or to find some structure to one’s day in summer leisure. All Activity areas provide the opportunity for children to feel confident in their talents, in their accomplishments, and in
their pursuits of new ventures that they may have never experienced, such as horseback riding, archery, fishing, exploration in nature, and more. See the many activities offered at each location to enable children to develop skills and hobbies that may follow them into their teen years and even adulthood.

We will feel the wind as we run and play~
We will smell the flowers and the fresh air~
We will hear the songs of the birds and the cries of the Whip-Poor-Will~
We will see our friends, test our talents and try our wings~
We will taste life in the great out-of-doors~