Community Benefits of Camps
The Value of Camps to Communities consist of two broad categories, as follows:
Values from Individuals:
Camps have many values to campers and to families,
and those are the ones we usually have foremost in
our thoughts. Yet as campers grow and mature, making
their contributions to the places in which they live, con-
versations often arise about their leadership in their
neighborhoods, cities, and world.
Many former campers pay tribute to their early camp experiences, Respect, Leadership, Sharing, Giving, Volunteering. So many moments of learning in the weeks shared with peers and healthy guidance from adults promote later service in the lives of those influenced by camp experiences. These then translate into life lessons and life contributions in every place in which campers settle as adults. The value of camps to a community is indeed the influence of that camp upon one or more lives of its participants.
1. Respect
The meaning of respect , learned as a child, is translated
into treatment of others in society. It is recognized in
every neighborhood, every job, every communication
with another human being. It is the recognition of the
importance of every human being.
2. Leadership
Campers now serving in their communities discover
capacities in leadership, cultivated from their many
opportunities of being heard, recognized, given the
recognition and encouragement of children that they are
persons of worth with much to be shared with others. The
confidence cultivated in childhood leads to confidence in
future endeavors.
3. Sharing
“To whom much is given much is required.” Sharing of
the wealth of talents recognized as children grow into
maturity of sharing life and pursuing kindness. While little
seeds may be planted at camps, the watering of those seeds
to grow continues to be cultivated through schools,families,
churches, and more. Sharing of life with others
is the joy of community.
4. Giving
Giving of ourselves brings communities closer. Giving
of talents, wealth, resources, and time Somewhere in the distant past of childhood, was there a glimpse of people in our lives who taught us to give?
The community receiving such givers is indeed fortunate.
5. Volunteering
From camper to Jr. Counselor volunteer, camps keep
youth and adults involved in helping to create a camp
environment with helpers, both paid and volunteer.
Many youth, beginning to volunteer at camp, extend
their volunteer efforts to other places, and often un-
knowingly, are still remembering the joys of the past
of giving of themselves and of the appreciation extended
to them for their service. With this remembrance comes
continued awareness of both the need and the joy of
volunteering. Volunteers are the lifeblood of camps and of
Values of Economy To the Community
Where camps are located, the economy is usually increased. Studies have shown that From small town camps to the many mountain camps in Western North Carolina to day camps and church camps, there is a considerable economic impact for the region.
Camps also bring recognition to the towns or cities where
they are located. In smaller areas, without the camp presence
there would be little activity outside of the community.
Camp structures provide use by the community for such
events as weddings, class reunions, family reunions, and
Camps of every kind dominate the landscape, producing
generations of leaders, equipping children and youth with
skills to succeed and to contribute in every community where
they abide.
One Man’s Life
Influence of camp on lives of people for the future may yet be studied, but one life was written in the Charlotte paper.
At Camp Whip-Poor-Will a copy was placed on the bulletin
board. There was a picture of former Evangelist Leighton
Ford and the title “I Learned to Pray at Summer Camp.”
We may never know the extent of the areas of life influenced
for good which will forever serve communities for good. The
influence of this one man we know. Even today
in his nineties he continues to influence the community in
which he lives in Charlotte.
Build a camp..enhance the community..reach a child..influence a youth.