Friday Fest

Friday Fest

Friday Fest ….Friday Fest…Friday is coming and how sad will
campers be for the last day of their camping week. One way to
have a farewell that will linger in the hearts and memories is
to create Stations with varied activities…The Stations can be
manned by outside resource persons or Sr. or Jr. Staff members who
are talented in the selected areas chosen for each station. Another
option may be for each group to plan a station. Each group at
the beginning of the festival rotates from station to station. Bell
Ringers indicate the time to move to the next station with a five
minute warning for completion of each activity before moving to
the next location. Be sure to have a Jr. or Sr. staff member with
each group as they move about the areas.

The stations can be set up the evening prior or the day of the festival, depending upon the designated time to begin the festival. The number of stations depends upon how many groups and the time frame decided by staff in their planning.

Because this is the last day of the camp week, it works well to plan
part of the day for the festival,so that campers can still spend part
of the day with their very own little group, with whom they have
shared such happy day.

During some of the summer weeks, you may wish to add a
very special treat on Friday, either as a part of the festival or
instead of the festival. The Whip-Poor-Wills enjoyed snow cones
everyday of the week, but on many Fridays a chocolate fountain was provided as a part of Friday’s celebration. If “a picture is worth a thousand words” these chocolate fountain pictures will tell the story of childhood chocolate delight! The chocolate fountain was
provided on a screen porch of the camp lodge or could be offered inside appropriate areas due to outside heat and insects. In our
setting , small groups were scheduled. Thus the week of joy filled
days ended on the sweetest notes!

Stations can be planned to introduce a few new opportunities or
a few favorites of the week can be added. Use your creativity for planning each programs with areas such as:

1. a special craft
2. a puppet show
3. a non bake cooking project
4. face painting
5. framing of the week’s pictures
6. Potting flowers
7. Story Telling
8. Sing a Long with take home booklets of songs of the week.
9. Archery (a favorite)
10. Drama and or/Writing

One of the creative stations from Camp Whip-Poor-Will was working with each group to create another verse to the camp
song. Their talent is shared with the new song additions.

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